
6 November 2020

ČSOB Private Banking has retained the title of best private banking in the Czech Republic

ČSOB Private Banking has been acknowledged as the best private banking in the Czech Republic for the sixth time in a prestigious Global Private Banking Awards 2020 Survey organized by the Financial Times magazines – The Banker and Professional Wealth Management.

„I am well and truly happy that we have demonstrated our qualities once again and retained the first place in such a prestigious competition for the sixth time. We very much appreciate the title, it still is a big honour for us. However, we keep out feet firmly on the ground and want to thank all our clients for their continuous faith and for entrusting their wealth to us. They have the lion´s share of this success. Without them we would have never become the best private banking in the Czech Republic.” said Martin Kosobud, executive director of ČSOB Private Banking. Accolades also belong to our private banking team whose contribution to this achievement was tremendous.

Owing to a pandemic situation no award ceremony personally attended by the winners could take place and instead an online announcement of results in individual categories was held which can be seen here.

The panel of judges, composed of fifteen international experts in the banking industry, selected the winner based on both qualitative information and quantitative data.

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